Tune/Sound Meanings

Pixhawk-series flight controllers use audible tones/tunes and LEDs to indicate vehicle state and events (e.g. arming success and failure, low battery warnings).

The set of standard sounds are listed below.

Developers: Tunes are defined in /lib/tunes/tune_definition.desc and can be tested using the tune-control module.


These tunes are played during the boot sequence.

Startup Tone

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  • microSD card successfully mounted (during boot).

Error Tune

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  • Hard fault has caused a system reboot.

  • System set to use PX4IO but no IO present.

  • UAVCAN is enabled but driver can't start.

  • SITL/HITL enabled but pwm_out_sim driver can't start.

  • FMU startup failed.

Make File System

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  • Formatting microSD card.

  • Mounting failed (if formatting succeeds boot sequence will try to mount again).

  • No microSD card.

Format Failed

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  • Formatting microSD card failed (following previous attempt to mount card).

Program PX4IO

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  • Starting to program PX4IO.

Program PX4IO Success

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  • PX4IO programming succeeded.

Program PX4IO Fail

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  • PX4IO programming failed.

  • PX4IO couldn't start.

  • AUX Mixer not found.


These tones/tunes are emitted during normal operation.

Error Tune

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  • RC Loss

Notify Positive Tone

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  • Calibration succeeded.

  • Successful mode change.

  • Command accepted (e.g. from MAVLink command protocol).

  • Safety switch off (vehicle can be armed).

Notify Neutral Tone

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  • Mission is valid and has no warnings.

  • Airspeed calibration: supply more air pressure, or calibration complete.

  • Safety switch turned on/disarmed (safe to approach vehicle).

Notify Negative Tone

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  • Calibration failed.

  • Calibration already completed.

  • Mission is invalid.

  • Command denied, failed, temporarily rejected (e.g. from MAVLink command protocol).

  • Arming/disarming transition denied (e.g. pre-flight checks failed, safety not disabled, system not in manual mode).

  • Reject mode transition.

Arming Warning

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  • Vehicle is now armed.

Arming Failure Tune

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Battery Warning Slow

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Battery Warning Fast

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  • Critical low battery warning (failsafe).

GPS Warning Slow

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Parachute Release

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EKF Warning

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Baro Warning

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Single Beep

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  • Magnetometer/Compass calibration: Notify user to start rotating vehicle.

Home Set Tune

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  • Home position initialised (first time only).

Last updated