雷迅 V5 nano飞控快速接线指南

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本快速入门指南介绍了如何为 CUAV V5 nano 飞控供电以及如何连接其最主要的外部设备。


下图展示了如何连接最重要的传感器和外围设备(电机和伺服舵机输出除外)。 我们将在下面各节中介绍它们的细节。

GPS /罗盘模块应安装在机架上,尽可能远离其他电子设备,方向标记朝向机体前方( Neo GPS 方向箭头与飞行控制箭头方向相同)。 使用电缆连接到飞控的 GPS 接口。

GPS + 罗盘 + 安全开关 + LED

The recommended GPS module is the Neo v2 GPS, which contains GPS, compass, safety switch, buzzer, LED status light.

The GPS/Compass module should be mounted on the frame as far away from other electronics as possible, with the direction marker towards the front of the vehicle (Neo GPS arrow is in the same direction as the flight control arrow). Connect to the flight control GPS interface using a cable.


下图显示了您如何访问远程接收机 (请在工具包中找到 SBUS 电缆)。

If you are flying without the GPS you must attach the switch directly to the GPS1 port in order to be able to arm the vehicle and fly (If you use the old 6-pin GPS, please read the definition of the bottom interface to change the line).


If you do not use the recommended Neo v2 GPS the buzzer may not work.


v5 nano套件包括了支持 2~14S 锂聚合物电池的 HV\u PM 模块。 将 HW\u PM 模块的6针连接器连接到飞控的电源接口。

The figure below shows how you can access your remote receiver (please find the S.Bus cable in the kit)

Spektrum 卫星接收器

通信频道是通过数传无线电实现的。 机载的无线数传模块应连接到 TELEM1 或者 TELEM2 端口(如果连接到这些端口,则无需进一步配置)。


The v5 nano kit includes the HV_PM module, which supports 2~14S LiPo batteries. Connect the 6pin connector of the HW_PM module to the flight control Power interface.

The supplied power module is unfused. Power must be turned off while connecting peripherals.


A telemetry system allows you to communicate with, monitor, and control a vehicle in flight from a ground station (for example, you can direct the UAV to a particular position, or upload a new mission).

The communication channel is via Telemetry Radios. The vehicle-based radio should be connected to the TELEM1 or TELEM2 port (if connected to these ports, no further configuration is required). The other radio is connected to your ground station computer or mobile device (usually via USB).

SD 卡

An SD card is inserted in the factory (you do not need to do anything).


Motors/servos are connected to the MAIN ports in the order specified for your vehicle in the Airframes Reference.



Last updated