Pixracer Wiring Quickstart

PX4 does not manufacture this (or any) autopilot. Contact the manufacturer for hardware support or compliance issues.

Under construction

This quick start guide shows how to power the Pixracer flight controller and connect its most important peripherals.

Wiring Guides/Assembly


电台/远程 控制

A remote control (RC) radio system is required if you want to manually control your vehicle (PX4 does not require a radio system for autonomous flight modes).

You will need to select a compatible transmitter/receiver and then bind them so that they communicate (read the instructions that come with your specific transmitter/receiver).

The instructions below show how to connect the different types of receivers:

  • Frsky 的接收机通过所示的端口连接, 并可以使用提供的 I/o 连接器。

  • PPM-SUM 和 S.BUS 接收机连接到 RCIN 端口。

  • PPM 接收机通过一个 PPM 编码器每一个通道通过一根线连接到** RCIN** 通道上如这个所示(PPM-Sum 接收机所有通道可以只需要一根信号线)。

电源模块 (ASCP4)

External Telemetry

Pixracer has inbuilt WiFi, but also supports telemetry via external Wi-Fi or radio telemetry modules connected to the TELEM1 or TELEM2 ports. This is shown in the wiring diagram below.

Last updated