Pixhawk 4 Mini 快速接线指南

PX4 does not manufacture this (or any) autopilot. Contact the manufacturer for hardware support or compliance issues.

This quick start guide shows how to power the Pixhawk® 4 Mini flight controller and connect its most important peripherals.


The image below shows where to connect the most important sensors and peripherals (except for motors and servos).

More information about available ports can be found here: Pixhawk 4 Mini > Interfaces.


Pixhawk 4 Mini should be mounted on your frame using vibration-damping foam pads (included in the kit). It should be positioned as close to your vehicle’s center of gravity as possible, oriented top-side up with the arrow pointing towards the front of the vehicle.

GPS + 指南针 + 蜂鸣器 + 安全开关 + LED

使用6PIN线材将套件附带的PMB模块的输出接口连接到Pixhawk 4 miniPOWER 端口。 下表解释了电源管理板的连接, 包括动力电源与 ESC电调和伺服舵机的信号连接。


The Power Management Board (PMB) serves the purpose of a power module as well as a power distribution board. In addition to providing regulated power to Pixhawk 4 Mini and the ESCs, it sends information to the autopilot about the battery’s voltage and current draw.

Connect the output of the PMB that comes with the kit to the POWER port of the Pixhawk 4 Mini using a 6-wire cable. The connections of the PMB, including power supply and signal connections to the ESCs and servos, are explained in the image below.

The pinout of the Pixhawk 4 Mini POWER port is shown below. The CURRENT signal should carry an analog voltage from 0-3.3V for 0-120A as default. The VOLTAGE signal should carry an analog voltage from 0-3.3V for 0-60V as default. The VCC lines have to offer at least 3A continuous and should default to 5.1V. A lower voltage of 5V is still acceptable, but discouraged.


A remote control (RC) radio system is required if you want to manually control your vehicle (PX4 does not require a radio system for autonomous flight modes).

You will need to select a compatible transmitter/receiver and then bind them so that they communicate (read the instructions that come with your specific transmitter/receiver).

The instructions below show how to connect the different types of receivers to Pixhawk 4 Mini:

  • Spektrum/DSM 或者 S.BUS 接收机连接到 DSM/SBUS RC 输入端口。

  • PPM 接收机连接到 PPM RC 输入端口。

  • PPM 和 每个通道有单独连接线 的 PWM 接收机需要连接在 PPM RC 端口,PWM信号需要通过一个类似这样的* PPM 编码器*(PPM-Sum 接收机只需要一根信号线就包含所有通道)。

For more information about selecting a radio system, receiver compatibility, and binding your transmitter/receiver pair, see: Remote Control Transmitters & Receivers.


Telemetry radios may be used to communicate and control a vehicle in flight from a ground station (for example, you can direct the UAV to a particular position, or upload a new mission).

The vehicle-based radio should be connected to the TELEM1 port as shown below (if connected to this port, no further configuration is required). The other radio is connected to your ground station computer or mobile device (usually by USB).


SD cards are highly recommended as they are needed to log and analyse flight details, to run missions, and to use UAVCAN-bus hardware. Insert the card (included in the kit) into Pixhawk 4 Mini as shown below.


Motors/servos are connected to the MAIN OUT ports in the order specified for your vehicle in the Airframe Reference. See Pixhawk 4 Mini > Supported Platforms for more information.

:::caution The mapping is not consistent across frames (e.g. you can't rely on the throttle being on the same output for all plane frames). Make sure to use the correct mapping for your vehicle. :::


The wiring and configuration of optional/less common components is covered within the topics for individual peripherals.


General configuration information is covered in: Autopilot Configuration.

QuadPlane specific configuration is covered here: QuadPlane VTOL Configuration


Last updated