可以使用基于 MAVSDK 的集成测试对 PX4 进行端到端测试。

目前主要针对 SITL 开发测试,并在持续集成(CI)中运行。 但是,它们最终旨在推广到实际测试。

测试需要将MAVSAK C++库安装到系统目录(如: /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib

安装 MAVSDK C++ 库



  • Install the development toolchain for Linux or macOS (Windows not supported). Gazebo is required, and should be installed by default.

  • Get the PX4 source code:

    git clone --recursive
    cd PX4-Autopilot

Build PX4 for Testing

使用以下命令构建 PX4 源码:

DONT_RUN=1 make px4_sitl gazebo mavsdk_tests 

Install the MAVSDK C++ Library

运行 sitl.json 中定义的所有SITL测试,执行:


准备 PX4 源码


test/mavsdk_tests/ test/mavsdk_tests/configs/sitl.json --speed-factor 10

This will list all of the tests and then run them sequentially.

To see all possible command line arguments use the -h argument:

test/mavsdk_tests/ -h

用法:mavsdk_test_runner。 y [-h] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--speed-factor SPEED_FACTOR] [--trerations ITERATION] [--abort-early] [--gui] [--model MODEL]
                             [--case CASE] [--debugger DEBUGER] [--verbose]

posital 参数:
  config_file JSON 使用的JSON配置文件

optional 参数:
  -h, --help 显示此帮助信息并退出
  --log-dir LOG_DIR 日志文件目录
  --speed-factor SPEED_FACTOR
  --abort-early 中止
  --guide 显示模拟的可视化化
  MODEL 只为一个模型运行测试
  --case CASE 只运行测试一个案例
  --debugger DEBUGER 调试器:callgrind, gdb, lldb
  --verbose 启用更详细的输出


Run a single test by specifying the model and test case as command line options. For example, to test flying a tailsitter in a mission you might run:

test/mavsdk_tests/ test/mavsdk_tests/configs/sitl.json --speed-factor 10 --model tailsitter --case 'Fly square Multicopter Missions including RTL'

The easiest way to find out the current set of models and their associated test cases is to run all PX4 tests as shown above (note, you can then cancel the build if you wish to test just one).

At time of writing the list generated by running all tests is:

About to run 39 test cases for 3 selected models (1 iteration):
  - iris:
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on mag lost during mission'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Takeoff and Land'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions including RTL'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions with manual RTL'
    - 'Fly straight Multicopter Mission'
    - 'Offboard takeoff and land'
    - 'Offboard position control'
    - 'Fly forward in position control'
    - 'Fly forward in altitude control'
  - standard_vtol:
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on mag lost during mission'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Takeoff and Land'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions including RTL'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions with manual RTL'
    - 'Fly forward in position control'
    - 'Fly forward in altitude control'
  - tailsitter:
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Land on GPS lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on mag lost during mission'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro lost during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (baro height mode)'
    - 'Continue on baro stuck during mission (GPS height mode)'
    - 'Takeoff and Land'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions including RTL'
    - 'Fly square Multicopter Missions with manual RTL'
    - 'Fly forward in position control'
    - 'Fly forward in altitude control'

Notes on implementation

  • The tests are invoked from the test runner script, which is written in Python.

    In addition to MAVSDK, this runner starts px4 as well as Gazebo for SITL tests, and collects the logs of these processes.

  • The test runner is a C++ binary that contains:

    • The main function to parse the arguments.

    • An abstraction around MAVSDK called autopilot_tester.

    • The actual tests using the abstraction around MAVSDK as e.g. test_multicopter_mission.cpp.

    • The tests use the catch2 unit testing framework. The reasons for using this framework are:

      • Asserts (REQUIRE) which are needed to abort a test can be inside of functions (and not just in the top level test as is the case with gtest).

      • Dependency management is easier because catch2 can just be included as a header-only library.

      • Catch2 supports tags, which allows for flexible composition of tests.

Terms used:

  • "model": This is the selected Gazebo model, e.g. iris.

  • "test case": This is a catch2 test case.

Last updated