
px4 包含校准和补偿速率陀螺仪、加速度计和气压传感器的功能, 以纠正传感器温度对传感器偏差的影响。

本主题详细介绍了 测试环境校准过程。 最后是 实施过程 的描述。


The calibration procedures described in the following sections are ideally run in an environment chamber (a temperature and humidity controlled environment) as the board is heated from the lowest to the highest operating/calibration temperature. Before starting the calibration, the board is first cold soaked (cooled to the minimum temperature and allowed to reach equilibrium).

For the cold soak you can use a regular home freezer to achieve -20C, and commercial freezers can achieve of the order of -40C. The board should be placed in a ziplock/anti-static bag containing a silica packet, with a power lead coming out through a sealed hole. After the cold soak the bag can be moved to the test environment and the test continued in the same bag.

It possible to perform the calibration without a commercial-grade environment chamber. A simple environment container can be created using a styrofoam box with a very small internal volume of air. This allows the autopilot to self-heat the air relatively quickly (be sure that the box has a small hole to equalize to ambient room pressure, but still be able to heat up inside).

Using this sort of setup it is possible to heat a board to ~70C. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many common boards can be heated to this temperature without adverse side effects. If in doubt, check the safe operating range with your manufacturer.

To check the status of the onboard thermal calibration use the MAVlink console (or NuttX console) to check the reported internal temp from the sensor.


PX4 supports two calibration procedures:

  • 板载校准 - 校准在电路板上运行。 该方法需要知道测试设置中可实现的温升量。

  • 板外校准 - 基于在校准过程期间收集的日志信息在计算机上计算补偿参数。 该方法允许用户可视地检查数据和曲线拟合的质量。

The offboard approach is more complex and slower, but requires less knowledge of the test setup and is easier to validate.


Onboard calibration is run entirely on the device. It require knowledge of the amount of temperature rise that is achievable with the test setup.

To perform and onboard calibration:

  1. 确保在校准前设置机架类型,否则在设置飞控板时校准参数将丢失。

  2. 为电路板供电并将 SYS_CAL _ *参数设置为 1,以便在下次启动时启用所需传感器的校准。 [^1]

  3. SYS_CAL_TDEL 参数设置为板载校准器完成所需的温升度数。 如果此参数太小,则校准将提前完成,并且校准的温度范围将不足以在电路板完全预热时进行补偿。 如果此参数设置得太大,则板载校准器将永远不会完成。 在设置此参数时,应考虑到电路板自加热导致的温度升高。 如果传感器的温升量未知,则应使用板外校准方法。

  4. SYS_CAL_TMIN 参数设置为您希望校准器发挥作用的最低温度数据。 更低的冷却温度能够用于减少冷却时间,同时保持对校准最低温度的控制。 如果校准器温度低于此参数设置的值,则不会使用传感器的数据。

  5. SYS_CAL_TMAX 参数设置为校准器起作用的最高起始传感器温度。 如果起始温度高于此参数设置的值,校准将退出并报告错误。 注意,如果不同传感器测量的温度的差异超过 SYS_CAL_TMAX SYS_CAL_TMIN的差值 ,则校准将不可能启动。

  6. 断开电源并将电路板冷却至低于SYS_CAL_TMIN参数指定的起始温度。 请注意,在校准开始之前启动过程有10秒的延迟,以允许所有传感器稳定,并且传感器在此期间会内部发热。

  7. 保持电路板静止[^2],接通电源并加热到足够高的温度,以达到由SYS_CAL_TDEL参数指定的温升。 校准期间,完成百分比将打印到系统控制台。 ^3

  8. 校准完成后,断开电源,让电路板冷却到校准范围内的温度,然后再执行下一步。

  9. 通过系统控制台使用 commander calibrate accel 指令或通过* QGroundControl *,执行6点加速度校准。 如果首次设置电路板,则还需要执行陀螺仪和磁力计校准。

  10. 在任何传感器校准之后的首次飞行之前,电路板必须重新上电,因为校准带来的突然的偏移变化可能会扰乱导航估计器,并且某些参数直到下次启动时才会被使用它们的算法加载。


Offboard calibration is run on a development computer using data collected during the calibration test. This method provides a way to visually check the quality of data and curve fit.

To perform an offboard calibration:

  1. 确保在校准前设置机架类型,否则在设置飞控板时校准参数将丢失。

  2. Power up the board and set the TC_A_ENABLE, TC_B_ENABLE and TC_G_ENABLE parameters to 1.

  3. Set all CAL_GYRO* and CAL_ACC* parameters to defaults.

  4. SDLOG_MODE 参数设置为 2 以从系统启动时就开始记录日志。

  5. thermal calibration(位2)设置 SDLOG_PROFILE 复选框,以记录校准所需的原始传感器数据。

  6. 将电路板冷却到操作所需的最低温度。

  7. 接通电源并保持电路板静止 2 ,将其缓慢加热至所需的最高工作温度。 3

  8. 断开电源并取出 .ulog 文件。

  9. Open a terminal window in the Firmware/Tools directory and run the python calibration script: sh python process_sensor_caldata.py <full path name to .ulog file> 这将生成

    **.pdf ** 文件,其显示每个传感器的测量数据和拟合曲线,以及包含校准参数的 **.params ** 文件。

  10. 给电路板上电,连接 * QGroundControl * 并使用 * QGroundControl * 将生成的**.params **文件中的参数加载到电路板上。 由于参数的数量,加载它们可能需要一些时间。

  11. 参数完成加载后,将SDLOG_MODE设置为 1 以重新启用常规日志并断开电源。

  12. 为电路板供电并使用 * QGroundControl * 执行常规加速计传感器校准。 重要的是,此步骤在飞控板处于校准温度范围内进行。 此步骤后的首次飞行之前,应重新启动电路板,因为突然的偏置变化会扰乱导航估计器,并且某些参数直到下次启动时才会被使用它们的算法加载。


Calibration refers to the process of measuring the change in sensor value across a range of internal temperatures, and performing a polynomial fit on the data to calculate a set of coefficients (stored as parameters) that can be used to correct the sensor data. Compensation refers to the process of using the internal temperature to calculate an offset that is subtracted from the sensor reading to correct for changing offset with temperature

The inertial rate gyro and accelerometer sensor offsets are calculated using a 3rd order polynomial, whereas the barometric pressure sensor offset is calculated using a 5th order polynomial. Example fits are show below:


With the existing parameter system implementation we are limited to storing each value in the struct as a separate entry. To work around this limitation the following logical naming convention is used for the thermal compensation parameters:



  • type:表示 G=速率陀螺仪、A=加速度计和 B=气压计的传感器类型。

  • instance:是一个整数 0、1或2 ,允许至多校准三个相同 type 的传感器。

  • cal_name:是标识校准值的字符串。 它具有可能的值如下:

    • Xn:多项式系数,其中n是系数的阶数,例如 X3* (temperature - reference temperature)**3

    • SCL:比例(缩放)系数

    • TREF:参考温度(deg C)。

    • TMIN:最低有效温度(deg C)。

    • TMAX:最高有效温度(deg C)。

  • axis:是一个整数0,1或2,指示校准数据为飞控板参照系的 X,Y 或 Z 轴。 对于气压传感器,省略 axis 后缀。


  • TC_G0_X3_0 是第一个陀螺 x 轴的 ^3 系数。

  • TC_A1_TREF 是第二个加速度计的参考温度。


The correction for thermal offsets (using the calibration parameters) is performed in the sensors module. The reference temperature is subtracted from the measured temperature to obtain a delta temperature where:

delta = measured_temperature - reference_temperature

The delta temperature is then used to calculate a offset, where:

offset = X0 + X1*delta + X2*delta**2 + ... + Xn*delta**n

The offset and temperature scale factor are then used to correct the sensor measurement where:

corrected_measurement = (raw_measurement - offset) * scale_factor

If the temperature is above the test range set by the *_TMIN and *_TMAX parameters, then the measured temperature will be clipped to remain within the limits.

Correction of the accelerometer, barometers or rate gyroscope data is enabled by setting TC_A_ENABLE, TC_B_ENABLE or TC_G_ENABLE parameters to 1 respectively.

与遗留 CAL* 参数和 commander 控制校准的兼容性

The legacy temperature-agnostic PX4 rate gyro and accelerometer sensor calibration is performed by the commander module and involves adjusting offset, and in the case of accelerometer calibration, scale factor calibration parameters. The offset and scale factor parameters are applied within the driver for each sensor. These parameters are found in the CAL parameter group.

Onboard temperature calibration is controlled by the events module and the corrections are applied within the sensors module before the sensor combined uORB topic is published. This means that if thermal compensation is being used, all of the corresponding legacy offset and scale factor parameters must be set to defaults of zero and unity before a thermal calibration is performed. If an on-board temperature calibration is performed, this will be done automatically, however if an offboard calibration is being performed it is important that the legacy CAL*OFF and CAL*SCALE parameters be reset before calibration data is logged.

If gyro thermal compensation has been enabled by setting the TC_G_ENABLE parameter to 1, then the commander controlled gyro calibration can still be performed, however it will be used to shift the compensation curve up or down by the amount required to zero the angular rate offset. It achieves this by adjusting the X0 coefficients.

If accel thermal compensation has been enabled by setting the TC_A_ENABLE parameter to 1, then the commander controlled 6-point accel calibration can still be performed, however instead of adjusting the *OFF and *SCALE parameters in the CAL parameter group, these parameters are set to defaults and the thermal compensation X0 and SCL parameters are adjusted instead.


Scale factors are assumed to be temperature invariant due to the difficulty associated with measuring these at different temperatures. This limits the usefulness of the accelerometer calibration to those sensor models with stable scale factors. In theory with a thermal chamber or IMU heater capable of controlling IMU internal temperature to within a degree, it would be possible to perform a series of 6 sided accelerometer calibrations and correct the accelerometers for both offset and scale factor. Due to the complexity of integrating the required board movement with the calibration algorithm, this capability has not been included.

[^1]: 当校准开始时,SYS_CAL_AccelSYS_CAL_BaroSYS_CAL_GYRO 参数重置为 0。

[^2]: 气压传感器偏置的校准需要一个稳定的气压环境。 由于天气的原因,空气压力变化缓慢,建筑物内部的气压会因室外风的波动和暖通空调系统的运行而迅速变化。

Last updated