Holybro Pix32 v5

:::warning PX4 does not manufacture this (or any) autopilot. Contact the manufacturer for hardware support or compliance issues. 它基于 Pixhawk 项目FMUv5 开放硬件设计,在 NuttX 操作系统上运行 PX4。

Pix32 v5® is an advanced autopilot flight controller designed and made by Holybro®. It is optimized to run on PX4 firmware, which is intended for both academic and commercial developers. It is based on the Pixhawk-project FMUv5 open hardware design and runs PX4 on the NuttX OS. It can be regarded as a variant version of Pixhawk4.

The Pix32 v5 is designed for pilots who need a high power, flexible and customisable flight control system. It is comprised of a separate flight controller and carrier (base) board, which are connected by a 100pin connector. This design allows users to either select a base board made by Holybro, or customize their own.


  • 主 FMU 处理器:STM32F765

    • 32 位 Arm® Cortex®-M7,216MHz,2MB 储存,512KB RAM

  • IO 处理器:STM32F100

    • 32 位 Arm® Cortex®-M3,24MHz,8KB SRAM

  • 板载传感器:

    • 加速度计 / 陀螺仪:ICM-20689

    • 加速度计 / 陀螺仪:BMI055

    • 磁力计:IST8310

    • 气压计:MS5611

  • GPS:ublox Neo-M8N GPS/GLONASS 接收器;集成磁力计 IST8310

  • 接口:

    • 8-16 路PWM输出(8路来自 IO,8路来自 FMU)

    • FMU 上有 3 路专用 PWM/Capture 输入

    • 用于 CPPM 的专用遥控输入

    • Dedicated R/C input for Spektrum / DSM and S.Bus with analog / PWM RSSI input

    • Dedicated S.Bus servo output

    • 5个通用串行口

      • 2 with full flow control

      • 1 with separate 1.5A current limit

    • 3 个 I2C 接口

    • 4路SPI总线

      • 1 internal high speed SPI sensor bus with 4 chip selects and 6 DRDYs

      • 1 internal low noise SPI bus dedicated for

      • Barometer with 2 chip selects, no DRDYs

      • 1 internal SPI bus dedicated for FRAM

      • Supports dedicated SPI calibration EEPROM located on sensor module

      • 1 external SPI buses

    • 多达 2 路 CAN 总线用于带串口的电调

      • Each CANBus has individual silent controls or ESC RX-MUX control

      • 2个电池电流/电压模拟输入口

      • 2 additional analog inputs

  • Electrical System:

    • 电源模块输出:4.9~5.5V

    • Max input voltage: 6V

    • 最大电流感应:120A

    • USB 电源输入:4.75~5.25V

    • 伺服导轨输入电压:0~36V

  • 重量和尺寸:

    • Dimensions: 45x45x13.5mm

    • Weight: 33.0g

  • Environmental Data, Quality & Reliability:

    • 工作温度:-40 ~ 85°C

    • Storage temp. -40~85℃

    • CE

    • FCC

    • RoHS compliant (lead-free)

Additional information can be found in the Pix32 V5 Technical Data Sheet.


Order from Holybro website.

组装 / 设置

The Pix32 v5 Wiring Quick Start provides instructions on how to assemble required/important peripherals including GPS, Power Management Board etc.

Base Board Layouts


Download pinouts here:



Pix32 v5 can be triple-redundant on the power supply if three power sources are supplied. The three power rails are: POWER1, POWER2 and USB.

Normal Operation Maximum Ratings

Under these conditions all power sources will be used in this order to power the system:

  1. POWER1POWER2 输入电压(4.9 v 至 5.5 v)

  2. USB 输入电压(4.75 v 至 5.25 v)

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Under these conditions the system will not draw any power (will not be operational), but will remain intact.

  1. POWER1POWER2 输入(可运行范围 4.1V 至 5.7V,0V 至 10V 不会损坏)

  2. USB 输入(可运行范围 4.1V 至 5.7V,0V 至 6V 不会损坏)

  3. 舵机输入:FMU PWM OUTI/O PWM OUT 的 VDD_SERVO 针脚 (0V 至 42V 不会损坏)


Most users will not need to build this firmware! It is pre-built and automatically installed by QGroundControl when appropriate hardware is connected.

To build PX4 for this target:

make holybro_pix32v5_default


The system's serial console and SWD interface runs on the FMU Debug port

The pinout uses the standard Pixhawk debug connector pinout. For wiring information see:


支持的平台 / 机身

Any multicopter / airplane / rover or boat that can be controlled with normal RC servos or Futaba S-Bus servos. The complete set of supported configurations can be seen in the Airframes Reference.


Last updated