SiK 电台

SiK radio is a collection of firmware and tools for telemetry radios.

Information about using SiK Radio can be found it the PX4 User Guide: Telemetry > SiK Radio

The ("developer") information below explains how to build SiK firmware from source and configure it using AT commands.


The SiK repository includes bootloaders and firmware for the following telemetry radios (2020-02-25):

  • HopeRF HM-TRP

  • HopeRF RF50-DEMO

  • RFD900

  • RFD900a

  • RFD900p

  • RFD900pe

  • RFD900u

  • RFD900ue


You will need to install the required 8051 compiler, as this is not included in the default PX4 Build toolchain.

Mac OS

Install the toolchain:

brew install sdcc

Build the image for the standard SiK Radio / 3DR Radio:

git clone
cd SiK/Firmware
make install

Upload it to the radio (change the serial port name):

tools/ --port /dev/tty.usbserial-CHANGETHIS dst/radio~hm_trp.ihx


The radio supports AT commands for configuration.

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-CHANGETHIS 57600 8N1

Then start command mode:


List the current settings:


Then set the net ID, write settings and reboot radio:


Last updated