
PX4 can use MAVLink UTM_GLOBAL_POSITION messages to support simple air traffic avoidance in missions. If a potential collision is detected, PX4 can warn, immediately land, or return (depending on the value of NAV_TRAFF_AVOID).

Configure Traffic Avoidance

Configure the trigger distance and action when there is a potential collision using the parameters below:


Enable traffic avoidance mode specify avoidance response. 0: Disable, 1: Warn only, 2: Return mode, 3: Land mode.

Set traffic avoidance trigger distance for manned aviation.

Set traffic avoidance trigger distance for unmanned aviation.


PX4 listens for UTM_GLOBAL_POSITION MAVLink messages during missions. When a valid message is received, its validity flags, position and heading are mapped into the same transponder_report UORB topic used for ADS-B traffic avoidance.

The implementation is otherwise exactly as described in: ADS-B traffic avoidance > Implementation.

Further Information

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