

基本上所有的飞控都会标示指向箭头(如下图所示)。 飞控应该顶部朝上安装在机架上,并使箭头指向与载具的前向一致(在所有的飞行器机架:固定翼、多旋翼、垂直起降、地面载具等上都是如此)。

飞控板载的加速度计和陀螺仪对振动很敏感。 一部分型号的飞控板提供了内置的减振;另一些型号则提供了减振泡沫,垫在载具和飞控之间以起到减振作用。


Flight Control boards with in-built accelerometers or gyros are sensitive to vibrations. Some boards include in-built vibration-isolation, while others come with mounting foam that you can use to isolate the controller from the vehicle.

You should use the mounting strategy recommended in your flight controller documentation.

Log Analysis using Flight Review > Vibration explains how to test whether vibration levels are acceptable, and Vibration Isolation suggests a number of possible solutions if there is a problem.

Last updated