I2C 总线

I2C 是一种分组交换串行通信协议,允许多个主设备连接到多个从属设备,每个连接只需使用2根电线。 它用于在短距离、板内通信中将低速外设 IC 连接到处理器和微控制器。

Pixhawk/PX4 支持:

  • 连接需要比严格的串行 UART 更高数据速率的板载组件:例如测距仪。

  • 与仅支持 I2C 的外围设备兼容。

  • 允许多个设备连接到单个总线(有效保护端口)。 例如,LED、指南针、测距仪等。

IMUs (accelerometers/gyroscopes) should not be attached via I2C (typically the SPI bus is used). The bus is not fast enough even with a single device attached to allow vibration filtering (for instance), and the performance degrades further with every additional device on the bus.

集成 I2C 设备

驱动程序还需要在 /src/drivers/ 中包括其设备类型(drv_*.h)的标头--例如 drv_baro.h

若要在固件中包含驱动程序,必须将驱动程序添加到与要为其生成的目标相对应的 cmake 配置文件

To include a driver in firmware you must add the driver to the board-specific cmake file that corresponds to the target you want to build for. You can do this for a single driver:


You can also include all drivers of a particular type.


For example, you can see/search for CONFIG_DRIVERS_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LIGHTWARE_LASER_I2C in the px4_fmu-v4_default configuration.

I2C 驱动程序示例

To find I2C driver examples, search for i2c.h in /src/drivers/.

Just a few examples are:


Last updated